Happy Monday everybody! Hope you had a great weekend and did lots of fun stuff. What did I do?....my taxes (sad trombone). Armed with my W-2s, 1099s, 1098s, 1040 and a very big cup of coffee, I dove in only to surface 3 hours, 2 refunds and 1 headache later. I survived and I’m only a single person with no dependants, negligible assets and very few deductions. I can only imagine what the rest of you with children, houses, and small businesses go through: probably enough to make you wait until April 15th to file an extension. That’s where I come in. Not only do I not want you pulling your hair out at the last minute with a box of old receipts and an adding machine, I also don’t want you to be with out a plan. That is why today, on February 11th, 63 days before taxes are due, I am giving you a primer on small business taxes. I’ll drop some more tips, tricks, and nuggets along the way to tax day but for now how about we work on those sea legs. Follow the jump to get a jump on what you need to know.
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